Free Tax Help

Get assistance with filing your income tax report and benefits at no cost for eligible individuals.

Helping You File Your Taxes Free

Our free income tax clinic assists eligible individuals with filing their tax reports and accessing benefits, ensuring everyone receives the support they need during tax season.

To learn more CVITP and free income tax clinics across the city click "Learn More" below.

white and black calculator on white and blue textile
white and black calculator on white and blue textile

Types of Appointments

Choose from an option of virtual or in-person appointments

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

Online appointments

O'Connor or Parma Locations

In-Person Appointments

10am - 4pm
By Appointment Only
(647) 245-2479
1550 O'Connor Dr, East York, ON M4B 2V3


Thursdays & Fridays
10am - 4pm

O'Connor Location

In-Person Appointments

12pm - 3pm
By Appointment Only

Entrance through the Victoria Park Ave side

90 Parma Court, North York, ON M4A1A4


Thursdays & Fridays
10am - 4pm

Parma Court Location

Virtual Appointments

Appointments over zoom. Check the links below to see times availability

Mondays & Wednesdays.

Income Tax Clinic Questions

black Android smartphone near ballpoint pen, tax withholding certificate on top of white folder
black Android smartphone near ballpoint pen, tax withholding certificate on top of white folder

Reach out for free assistance with your income tax filing and benefits eligibility. We're here to help!