Encourage, Engage, Empower, Educate

Free for eligible individuals

Income Tax Clinic


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We are dedicated to using a holistic approach when serving the community by encouraging, engaging, empowering, and educating through programs, workshops, resources, and services, to help increase wellbeing, community prosperity, and build the social capital of vulnerable communities.

Types of Programs & Services

Food Security
Age – Specific
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Financial Literacy & Services
Food Justice
Community Events
Capacity Building, Training,
Food Sovereignty

Health and Wellness
Collaboration & Partnerships
Food Literacy
Artisan Crafts

Sustainable Development Goals

1. No poverty
4. Quality education
9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
2. Zero hunger
5. Gender equality
10. Reduced inequalities
13. Climate Action
17. Partnerships for the goals
3. Good health and well-being
8. Decent work and economic growth
11. Sustainable cities and communities
15. Life on land

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